A Private Real Estate Investment and Development Firm
Monarch Group is a multi-generation, private real estate investment and development firm, located in La Jolla, CA. With more than 50 years of experience entitling, developing, and acquiring institutional market-rate and mixed-income residential communities in high barriers to entry Western U.S. markets, our community and capital partners have trusted our partners’ expertise in all phases of the real estate investment life cycle. Our team has the experience, expertise, and track record to achieve excellence for you.
Our Team
We are passionate about our community and being a part of the housing solution. With a combined 300+ years of experience, we develop innovative solutions to get the job done.
People“Our Reputation
Is Only As
Good As Our
Last Project.”
Rodney F. Stone, Co-Founder & Partner

Our Work
Building and sustaining thriving middle-income and market-rate residential communities for decades is our core competency, passion, and exclusive focus.